Friday, January 8, 2010

In The Beginning...

Upon the request of friends, elders, mentors, and my own subconscious, I have decided to start a blog. My fear however is that this will become one more task to fulfill as often as I try to discipline myself to write. So knowing myself, there will be weeks where I will post every day and there will be weeks when nothing is posted at all. I'm too much of a rebel to have unnecessary homework after too many years of completing seemingly pointless assignments against my will. Can you tell I'm a stubborn Taurus? :)

So the purpose of this space will be for me to share the joys and the struggles of ministry in this first year out of seminary and perhaps in the years to come. There is much to be learned and much to reflect on. Just be warned- I name this blog Queer/Christian Musings intentionally! My thoughts and feelings are often abrasive, cynical, angry, and straight-out uncouth. But fear not, these feelings are not directed at you (per se...). They are directed at the unjust matrix that Western society has painstakingly built over the past few centuries- the matrix that I did not choose to be born into, but that I choose not to leave. Rather, I choose to do my best to, as Jesus of Nazareth, live a lifestyle fit for a citizen of the "Realm of God."

Here now is the evidence of the struggle...


  1. Hey there, Brian, it's Wayne. Happy to be your first follower and a fellow queer Christian.

    I've been blogging sporadically for some time on these subjects. My blog is

  2. I'm anxious to read your thoughts, Brian. i know you have much to say, and wisdom to share.

  3. Should be very interesting to read.
