Thursday, April 19, 2012

Peace be with you

John 20:19 "When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the [religious authorities], Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you."" Today, I too offer you peace. You may have somehow locked yourself away in fear of the religious authorities of today. But just as the Risen Christ offered the disciples freedom from that fear, I too offer you release. Regardless of your belief system or lack thereof, peace is freely yours today and always.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Higher Ground

One of the most memorable demonstrations from Sunday school growing up was when the youth minister asked us to pair up and for one to stand on a chair and the other stand in front of his/her partner. First, the person standing on the chair was to try to pull the person below up to him/her. We all found that it was very difficult and near impossible. Then, the person on the ground was asked to try to pull the person on the chair down. All were pulled down to the floor. This demonstrated very clearly to me that it is not up to us to pull others to "higher ground." We can pray for them, encourage them, and give them tools; but we cannot lift them ourselves. That's God's job. Too often we forget the roles in our relationship with the Divine. Confusing them can cause some serious suffering.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Biblical Hermeneutics

One thing modern people need to understand about ancient Scriptures: They were not written as authoritative mandates. They were written as literature of their time. Some teachings are timeless and others should be left in antiquity. Let's use our brains to see which ones are loving and which ones demonstrate what was then a work in progress.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Authentic Christianity

I've come to the point where I'm beginning to wonder how it's possible for someone to be socially conservative and a Christian. I never had a problem with being a gay Christian because I know God created me gay. My same-gender love has always been a matter of just that- love. But people aren't born bigots... And I am pretty darn sure bigotry is not a call from God.
To me, "social conservative" and "fiscal conservative" are mutually exclusive concepts, though one person can embrace both in his/her own personal philosophy. I understand that there are two major economic philosophies in this country. We have labeled them "liberal" and "conservative." I am personally fiscally liberal and socially liberal, but in what I wrote above, I was strictly talking about social liberalism (as it relates to Christianity). I believe that Jesus preached a "social Gospel" which concerned the poor, the marginalized, and the taboo. Contemporary social conservatives seem to embrace various mixes of white privilege and supremacy, homophobia/transphobia (and hetero-supremacy), sexism/misogyny, and many more exclusive biases. The definition of bigotry: "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own." In my study of Christian Scripture, such philosophies are incompatible with Christian teachings and are actually institutionalized evils.

What is has meant to be a "Christian" has changed innumerable times over the past two millennia. Dominant Christian cultures have been far too exclusive/bigoted in my opinion. When a misconstrued ideal of Jesus gets molded into an idol and is raised as the pinnacle of government, blasphemy has occurred because Jesus has been divorced from his teachings. The Religious Right can call themselves "Christian" all they want to, but they have just become as the legalistic religious leaders that Jesus challenged in his day. Authentic Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus: love for God and all people, care for all people (servanthood), and peacemaking.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good lives on

This Good Friday, I remember all the queer humans across history who were crucified on crosses, in electric chairs, in gas chambers, by nooses, by the bullet, and so many horrifying other ways. They lived their lives brightly in the face of a world that clings to its fearful ways in false hope of grasping something of importance. It is only because of them that I wear a cross around my neck. I remember their lives because I see myself in them. I find no satisfaction in any fearful talk of "substitutionary atonement". Rather, it is because I know the Good in them lives on that I can face tomorrow.

Jesus' Anti-Kingdom

What Christianity seems to have become is quite the opposite of what Jesus taught and demonstrated. When Jesus spoke of the “Kingdom of God,” he was really talking about the leveling of power, not the dominance of a new religious sect over others. When Jesus’ followers called him “Lord,” they did so to mock the unjust reign of Caesar, not to replace Caesar with a pope. When Jesus called God “Father,” it was not to reinforce patriarchy or to say that God’s nature is male; it was to shame such an unjust institution by showing men what true love was about. Modern minds don’t get how Jesus turned his world upside-down because we have been taught to take Scripture at face value. Not only is deeper study important, it is essential to understanding. Jesus was as much a lord in his day as a drag queen is an actual queen today! But in my humble opinion, drag queens do more for the cause of Christ today than actual monarchs-- sometimes called by titles such as “President” and “Prime Minister” these days. Jesus subverted the status quo. To follow him is to do the same, no matter when in history you live.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Early Affirmations

I will never forget wearing my mother's slips as dresses, putting on her wig, makeup, costume jewelry, and pumps, and dancing around my parents' bedroom at 4 and 5 years old. I didn't learn that behavior from any friends or from television- it just came naturally as a fun kind of play. Unfortunately I was severely shamed by my father who I'm sure was just afraid that his only son would have a hard time in a non-accepting world. I was caught on many occasions, but kept playing this game that gave me such joy. I continue to play this game into adulthood with no shame! I didn't know the word "gay" as a child except within the context of the sick men on TV dying of AIDS. It was Ellen Degeneres coming out on her sitcom that allowed me to say, "Hey, that's me!" I then continually watched Will & Grace so I would have some sort of a gay role model in my teen years. I thank God that we have made such progress now that LGBT people can be found regularly on TV in positive light so that children can better self-identify. But media isn't enough. We need affirming parents who will not steal the joy their children find in discovering who they are.