Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Questions for the Pastor about LGBT and the Bible

Today I received an email asking a series of questions. Below, you will find the questions and then my answers.

1. How is being a lesbian a gift from GOD?
2. I am being instructed if it’s not in the BIBLE then it is not of GOD. Do you agree?
3. What is your opinion of the proper use of the BIBLE?
4. If being gay isn’t wrong why do churches insist it is?
5. What do you do if GOD told you to stop having intercourse with your spouse?

1) God creates us much more diversely than the categories people have created can explain. Just as some people are born intersex with the genitals of both sexes (which is obvious they were born that way because it is physical), about 10% of us are born with the natural inclination to be attracted primarily to the same sex. I believe that God uses LGBT people to expand the minds and hearts of a world that has become blind to the fullness of God's creation.
2) The Bible is an inspirational document where we can find beautiful truths to live our lives by. But it is misused every day by those who treat it in the wrong way. The "Bible and Homosexuality" pamphlet as well as the "Power of the Bible" pamphlet explain these things well. (
3) Jesus said that the Greatest Commandment is to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). This commandment covers all the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament/Hebrew Bible/Tanakh). The Jewish religious leaders of Jesus' time had become way too legalistic, enforcing laws just because they were laws, not out of love. The entire Bible should be read through the lens of the Greatest Commandment.
4) Churches even married same-sex couples before Christianity became the religion of Rome in the 4th century. From that point on, the prejudices of various cultures and governments have tainted the Church. While many strands of Christianity have continued to live out Jesus' message of unconditional love and non-judgment, people can be controlling and will use everything, including religion, to support their views. In recent American history, churches used to Bible to justify slavery, racism, and sexism. But the Spirit moved within the hearts of many and those lies were dispelled. I believe the same thing is happening now in regard to LGBT people.
5) I have had a relationship with God my whole life. I love God with all my heart and I thank God each day for the gift of life. Like one knows what a good friend would say, I know what God would say. Jesus said that the sheep know the voice of the Shepherd (John 10:27). When so many wolves in sheep's clothing continue to say terrible things about LGBT people, it's sometimes hard to distinguish their voices from God's voice. But through prayer, you will know what is true. And remember, 90% of prayer is listening :)

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