Rev. Brian Hutchison, M.Div.
Statement of Faith
I believe in God, the Source of all life, the Omnipresent, Creator of all that is good.
I experience the Divine as Unconditional Love, Peace Beyond Understanding, Joy Unspeakable, the Highest Good, Wisdom, Mother-Father and Grandmother-Grandfather. I actively celebrate the discovery of new understandings of the Divine.
I believe that Jesus of Nazareth, as recorded in the canonical and non-canonical gospels, lived some two thousand years ago. He recognized and accepted the Christ-Presence within himself and dedicated his life to teaching others to do the same.
Remaining truly faithful to his Inner Light, Jesus upheld divine principles of justice and peace in the face of the ego-centered and power hungry Roman Empire, even to his brutal and public execution by crucifixion.
I believe that the Christ-Presence within him could not be defeated and was resurrected to be Guide on the path of discipleship for those who will follow the Way of Love.
I believe that the entity known as the Holy Spirit is in truth God herself in action in the world in colorful and creative dance with all of creation. I believe that through the power of God’s ever-present holy Spirit, all humans hold the potential to become enlightened beings of Love. And in truth, this is our life’s task. The holy Spirit is proof that we are not alone, that we have help and comfort from the Helper and Comforter on the journey.
I believe in Universal Truth, expressing itself in many good spiritual paths followed by human beings across the ages.
I practice the sacrament of Holy Communion, which is simultaneously a dramatization of the love Jesus shared with his family of choice, and also a dramatization of the all-inclusive love and peace that we look forward to in this present moment and in the future (which is ours to co-create with God).
I also practice the sacrament of Holy Baptism, which is a holy washing not unlike ancient practices of preparation for encountering God anew. Baptism is not an anecdote for the man-made concept called “original sin.” It is rather an affirmation of the Goodness that has lived within from before our birth into this world. I believe in Original Blessing.
I also believe in the sacrament of Coming Out, which is the process of sharing our Inner Light with the world, as it has been given to us to shine. Regardful of whom a person is, s/he has a unique hue to contribute to the rainbow family of humanity.
I believe that forgiveness is the only way to healing our world. Forgiveness leaves all lack of love in the past, where it can do no further harm. When we do not forgive, we project loveless illusions of the past onto our present minds, causing unnecessary suffering. We are bound to “miss the mark” in life, but by the grace of God, all is forgiven. The work is left to us to forgive ourselves and others.
I believe that the mind is a gift from God, a tool given to resurrect the body, mind, and spirit. Positive thought produces positive action. Positive action produces positive living. Positive living heals the world, one life at a time.
I believe in Life Eternal. No one can escape the Presence of God in life, in death, or after death. Energy cannot be destroyed; it lives on in the unending circle of Life.
© 2012
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